"I make it my ambition to preach Christ where he has not been named.”
-Paul the Missionary
The producers of The Waiting World videos are proud to partner in ministry with YWAM Organic, which is also affiliated with YWAM Frontier Missions. We want to see churches engaged with the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20) as the Bride of Christ steps into her role in global evangelization and church planting. We can help your church develop a missions program strategically focused on the areas of greatest need, and help you develop the best possible return on your investments of time, talent and treasure. YWAM Organic offers consulting and training, logistical support for teams going out, both short and long-term.
The YWAM Organic team has extensive experience in some of the least-reached places on earth. Whether you are just getting started or are looking to expand your missions program, YWAM Organic can help you identify and connect with unreached peoples and places. Are you interested in Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? Africa? Asia? The Middle East? We have the contacts to help you get connected.
God has huge plans for the world today! He is not content to merely establish a handful of struggling churches among each tongue, tribe and nation. Even now He is preparing and empowering His Church to carry the seeds of revival to the uttermost ends of the earth.”
– David Smithers
For more info on how we can work with you...